I guess that not so many people go to visit the waterfall due to the distance posted on the sign that said 60 Km. It might discourage the tourists not to take chance to go there. The waterfall is in the park called as the same name and it has the opening hours. Anyone who is interested to go need to check with the park office in advance because if there is a heavy rain then the park ranger will not allow the tourists to get in......it is very danger because there is no shelter to avoid the flash flood.

I had spent some quality time with my family watching the rare bird and wading in the very cold water. It was a memorable time but it was disrupted by the heavy rain. One caution for the non professional traveler, the last two kilometers to the waterfall, the road is still the gravel and not be paved by the cement or asphalt. If there is a heavy rain, you will have to consider to use the four wheel drive or you can park your car at the bus parking and walk to the waterfall.

I will highly recommend the family to go there and be sure to pack your food because there is no food stall at the waterfall. And to bring the binocular is a must so your company can enjoy watching the nature.
Oh! I forgot to talk about the hotel that I went to stay. It was Holiday Inn, Regent Cha-am. It was very serene and peaceful. The price is moderate and reasonable.

The beach is in superb condition. No garbage and not so many local vendors to hustle us. The sea in the early morning is very calm and you can get a dip with confidence that there will not have any jelly fish to bother. I think the Cha-am resort town is suitable for the tourists and the low budget local traveler. The food in Cha-am is cheaper than Hua Hin around 25%.

That was all for this weekend. I hope all of you who came to visit my blog will enjoy the beautiful photos and to mark your next vacation as the same as I did. Have a healthy and happy time.