Yesterday, I went with RBSC Golf team to play against the Navy team at Plutaluang Navy Golf Course in Sattaheep. I haven't been there before but many friends of mine warned me about the fairway condition. They told me not to make a deep divot on the fairway because underneath is rock. But that was't true, I found out that the course has a very good condition and there are 4 courses to choose from, North..South East..West. The R.B.S.C. team had received a very warm welcome from the Commander in Chief of the Royal Navy at Sattaheep Navy Base.

This golf team competition has been for 31 years and it is considered one of the oldest of the club.
I'd like to give you a brief picture of this golf course. The course has been well maintained and especially this time of the year that there are plenty of rain, the fairway condition is superb and the green condition is very good. I had seen one of my group mates made a backspin when he hit the ball from the fairway. This was my first time to see a Thai player can do that with my eyes. It was a thrill. One special feature will be the Par-3 hole.
I can say that this hole made most of the R.B.S.C. team lost all of their golf balls. I had lost three balls and made a 10....very embarrassing. It is the green on the water and the landing area is very limited. The drop zone is on the other bank of the green so most of the players lost more balls on this drop zone.
The other feature is the tee off of most of the holes that are elevated above the fairway level. When I said elevated, most of the people can't figure out how much. I will tell you that most of them are about 4 storeys high. So when you tee off, you will be able to see your ball fly off to the fairway below. It really looks professional like in the television set. Anyone who never plays there, I will strongly recommend to take once in your life time to test playing at Plutaluang Golf Course. Anyone who had gone there but not recently, you should consider go there again and see the difference.
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very cool. I wish i know how to play golf ;(